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Thankfully Out-of-Control

Have you ever wondered what in the world is God doing? Scared, confused, not sure what the next step will be? We can relate. In starting the ranch, we have found ourselves in moments and periods of complete uncertainty on several occasions. Most recently we have found ourselves in a challenging holding pattern since June; seeking out the ideal property that God intends for Blazing Hope Ranch to call its home. If you read our Fall 2015 newsletter then you know about the prayer runs David did around a property on Turner Road. Now, however, we are awaiting the final decision about using a beautiful property up on the mountain free of charge to the ministry. Waiting is hard! It has challenged me to lay aside my preconceived ideas and walk blindly in trust. If it were up to me, we would be living on the mountain working hard every day to get this ministry running.

It is not up to me. I have no control over any of it.

But, fortunately I know something that makes the waiting and lack of control a bit more tolerable. I know who Jesus is. He is a good and sovereign God who has a plan and already knows how the details will work out. I believe that He wants the best for this ministry, His ministry, and He won’t give up on it. Since this is His vision being carried out through us, I simply need to increasingly learn to listen to His still small voice. Why did He choose David and I for this ministry? I can easily identify other people that I believe are more qualified for the task. I can also see how He has allowed David and I to have various professional and personal experiences to shape us into the leaders He needs for this mission. I trust Him. What about you? Do you trust Him with your “details”? Who do you say He is?

As we move towards Thanksgiving our family begins to reflect on the blessings we have and things that we are thankful for. Our children are thankful for things like not being scared at night and being able to play on the playground. I am thankful for a big yet intimate God who cares enough about me not to leave me where I am but to continue to shape and change me to be more like His son. So, even though I do not understand why we are still in this place of waiting, I can be thankful, knowing that He has a plan that is beautiful and perfect and so much better than mine.

Blazing Hope Ranch wants to encourage you during this time of thanks-giving to reflect on your life and circumstances. Are you thankful for what God has done for you and given to you? Are you confused about some of the current events that are happening in and around you? Do you trust Him enough to still be thankful when things are tough, or simply unclear, knowing that He has it all figured out?

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and would like to talk about the peace and joy He has to offer or safely ask where He has been during the struggles and hardships, we would love to talk with you. Please send us an email, a personal message on FB, or call us. If you know Jesus personally, please join us in prayer for this ministry to find a “forever home” and for those who don’t know Him to find a “forever home” for their hearts.

“O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods.” - Psalm 95:1-3

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